
Thanksgiving can be a challenging, even heartbreaking time when you’ve lost everything and have no one left to care. . .

At 62, Eddie was looking forward to retirement. He’d worked hard since the age of 16, when he dropped out of high school to help his family make ends meet.

But a layoff at the nursing home where Eddie worked plunged him into a downward spiral that soon had him teetering on the brink of homelessness.

“I’ve always had a job, all kinds of work including heavy machinery,” he says. But after the layoff none of his applications got any response.

“Things have gotten really tough because of my age, I guess. I never had this hard of a time. I’m used to walking in and filling out the application. They’ll say, ‘When can you start?’ And I’ll say, ‘Monday.’ Now, there is no work.”

With no income, Eddie lost his home and was facing life on the streets of Detroit.

Thankfully, God directed Eddie to DRMM where a meal, safe refuge, and other critical help can always be found.

Caring staff and volunteers welcomed Eddie and helped with everything from replacing his lost eyeglasses to navigating the challenges of online job applications.

Eddie’s heart is filled with hope this Thanksgiving, knowing that God loves him and friends like you care when a neighbor’s life is turned upside down.

Thank you for sharing a special gift today to provide meals, help, and hope to neighbors who are in great need during this special season! Every $2.47 meal you give could be a game changer, opening hearts to the programs and services that can change lives.

Prayers and partnership from many caring friends have made huge changes for Eddie! This Thanksgiving, he will be filled with gratitude that a life once dominated by homelessness, joblessness, and despair has been put on a different path.

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