
Ennis spent the last few years caring for his 90-year-old father. Desperately sick, especially toward the end, he thought of little else but making his father as comfortable as possible.

So, he was completely unprepared for what happened next!

Right after his father’s death, the manager of the senior living facility told Ennis he had to leave. Immediately.

Ennis was instantly homeless—during a pandemic lockdown!

“I had to sleep on a park bench downtown,” he says, shaking his head at the awful memory. “The police came and said I had to leave, but I didn’t have anywhere to go—so they brought me to DRMM.”

The policemen encouraged Ennis to come inside and get the food and shelter he urgently needed—all of which is provided through the gifts of caring friends like you who really care.

Still, Ennis hesitated outside the Mission doors. He’d never had to ask for help before.

Finally, he took a deep breath and stepped inside . . .

Over a good, hot $1.95 meal provided by someone like you, we listened as Ennis shared about his father’s last days and the trauma of homelessness. Then we prayed and talked at length about God’s plans for his life.

And we assured Ennis that God brought him to us to get the healing, hope, and fresh start he longs for . . .

“I hoped the Mission would take me in, and they did,” Ennis says. “They gave me food to eat, fresh clothes, and a Bible. I’m thankful.”

I am thankful, and grateful too, for friends like you who made sure Ennis got the help he needed, but—

Every day between now and Easter Sunday, the Mission will provide as many as 5,000 meals to people who are hungry, homeless, jobless, and without hope.

So, please share a gift right now to provide as many life-changing $1.95 meals as you can to reach suffering neighbors like Ennis. And thank you for partnering with DRMM this Easter. You are a great blessing to our neighbors in need!



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