Volunteer Spotlight


Support from many caring friends makes possible all that DRMM is able to do each day for our neighbors who are hungry, hurting, and experiencing homelessness. Prayers, financial gifts, and the gift of time and talent as a volunteer are all critical and deeply appreciated!

The Michigan Green Industry Association (MGIA) selected DRMM’s Veteran Housing as the recipient for its Day of Service.

MGIA members gathered to donate their time, equipment, and expertise to beautify the grounds at 211 Glendale. After cleaning flower beds, fertilizing, mowing, raking, hardscaping, tree trimming, tree injection, mulching, and planting, they installed a place for residents to enjoy horseshoes. They also added a fire pit, vegetable garden, apple trees, warming lamps, bird feeders, a walking path, and a new grill in the courtyard of the building!

Veteran residents were deeply touched by the new flag the volunteers brought, which was raised during a flag ceremony led by the Renaissance High School ROTC to honor veterans in attendance. Glenda McDonald, Mayor of Highland Park, also joined in the celebration.

In total, the plant material, landscape supplies, labor, equipment, and monetary donations to complete this task totaled an in-kind donation of over $100,000. A very special thank you to Robert Bywalec and Steve Udell of MGIA for their partnership and unwavering support of DRMM.

The Michigan Green Industry Association (MGIA) is a statewide professional trade association serving the green industry for over 60 years. MGIA promotes education and certification to its members and has set high standards of professionalism and business integrity for Michigan’s green industry contractors.


DRMM runs on volunteers, and more help is needed to serve meals to hundreds of families and individuals each day throughout the Easter season! To sign up to volunteer, or for more information, please contact Kisha Woods at kwoods@drmm.org or call 313.993.4700, x3930. You can also sign up at: drmm.org/volunteer.

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