
Of all the uncertainties ushered into her life with COVID-19, homelessness was Veronica’s least worry. She worked hard at the local pharmacy, and plenty of shifts were available as her coworkers opted to shelter in place.

But when her landlord passed away and the property was sold, the new owner wanted to earn more from the property. Despite being current on her rent, Veronica was told she and her son had to leave. Unable to pay the steep deposits required to get a new rental, a hotel became her family’s temporary home.

“It was hard and very stressful. I wasn’t sleeping much,” Veronica says. “I was working a lot of overtime to make sure I had enough to feed him and [afford] childcare.”

It was an answered prayer when DRMM said they had room for Veronica and her son. “I thank God for DRMM and the staff. They’re great and really try to make everyone as comfortable as possible.”

Veronica is counting the days until they are able to live independently, but she will never forget the safety net caring donors provided for her and her son. “I’d like to thank you because we needed [shelter] and it’s greatly appreciated. It’s wonderful that people are willing to share.”

On behalf of Veronica and her son, thank you for making a gift today to help other families and individuals who are turning to DRMM for food, help, and hope to overcome homelessness and other hardship. You are a great blessing to our neighbors in need!


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