
It’s 11am and you get that priceless phone call from HR that says YOU ARE HIRED. Woohoo!

You feel on top of the world, and eagerly break the good news to friends and family. Being in your best of moods, you want to start work without delay, and make all the outcome and impact you can.

You imagine how exciting and rewarding the work will be, how understanding and supportive your colleagues would be, how encouraging and empathetic your boss would be.

And if you are the very ambitious type, you also imagine how nice it would feel becoming the boss someday.

Then months, even years pass, and you are still at the job but instead of enjoying it and contributing your best, you are grinding your teeth, and taking advantage of every spare time to shop around for another job. You think bad of colleagues and dislike your boss. And at every turn, you criticize everyone.

Everybody gets on your nerves. Everybody is trying to hurt you. Everybody does not appreciate your work. Everybody is wrong but you are right. So, you think – unfortunately.

Well … let’s just say you are not alone. Many in the workplace feel that way. I know because I lead a big nonprofit organization in metro Detroit, I talk with other CEOs around the globe, and I read a lot about what’s going on at the workplace – be it nonprofit, business or government.

Feeling concerned, and wanting to ensure that everyone gets the opportunity to make the most of their work, I recently penned a quick-read titled 7 Keys To Enjoying Your Work Again (

Highly endorsed and written in a conversational style, you get very useful tips on how to overcome disinterestedness at work.

Now, I must state clearly that I don’t have all the answers. Nobody does. But what I am doing in this lovely little book is sharing the ones I have – because they have worked for me, and I have seen them work for others at different times in their career.

Why not?

We are family. We are community. We are humanity.


Homeless and desperate – a 26-year-old mother of three young children reaches out for help and gets a response she never would have imagined.

“We will give it to her today – she can actually come and sleep in it tonight,” said Chad Audi, director of Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries.

Alboney Siebert gets a first look at her new home – a place for her and her three young children to lay their heads and to call their own.

It’s a gift, rent-free for two years from Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries, the 110-year-old organization – that helps the homeless.

“I was just sending out emails – crying out for help because I know I don’t have an income –  and I have my babies,” she said. “I know I’m never going to be out of this situation without a job, no money – I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.”

The tears come from a place of happiness and relief after months of desperation, Alboney Siebert was nine months pregnant with baby Kilyn when she and her daughters were evicted from their home. Even though she had paid her rent, she fled to North Carolina to be with her brother – but her car was stolen there.

She and her children have been in shelters, on the streets – but about a week ago, her email found its way to Terra Defoe – a senior advisor to Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan.

“I’m glad that I was there to receive the email and understand and to reach out to her and point her in the right direction,” Defoe said.

Defoe reached out to Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries – their goal – to get the family stabilized – help
Alboney find a job – so she can get eventually get her own place.

“The house is totally furnished – totally stocked with food – and she can actually live today in the house and she doesn’t have to worry about a place called home anymore,” Audi said.

Audi says it was meant to be. It turns out Alboney’s 7-year-old daughter was just enrolled in second grade in a school that happens to be nearby. She’s at her first day – but will be coming home to a big surprise.

“She’s about to be blown away – she’s going to be excited,” she said.

Little 2-year-old Riah already made herself right at home while Alboney was just grateful her cries for help were finally heard and she’s ready to get back on track.

“I’m just ready to work – take care of my kids and show them the life,” she said.

Originally posted on Fox 2 News Detroit


Do you know the kind of power a $1.95 meal can have for someone who is suffering, beaten down, and without hope? Eric does . . .

He had been living in his car for some time. Each night, he drank himself to sleep, hoping to drown out the fear, pain, and emptiness that had taken over his life after the loss of those dearest to him.

Hungry and hurting but ready to get his life back on track, Eric finally turned to Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (DRMM).

Eric had tears in his eyes as we prayed together over a plate of food. He was very moved to learn his meal had been provided by the Mission’s caring friends and donors.

Later he shared THAT was the moment he committed to a new beginning in life.

“I knew this was the best place to get myself back together,” Eric says. “Everyone’s been very helpful. They’ve helped me face my fears.”

Today, Eric is sober, working, and very busy rebuilding his life—and his relationship with God. “My mother had faith, and she planted a seed of faith in me,” he says. “She also had faith in me and expected me to hang in there and never give up, no matter what.”

Deeply thankful for the meals, help, and hope he has received, Eric asked me to share his gratitude with you. He says, “Your support is helping people like me—thank you. Please don’t stop giving because we need you.”

 Eric is correct, the Mission does need you now—more than ever!

We’re facing an incredible challenge right now that threatens our ability to provide meals to everyone who is turning to us for help. You see, the incredible needs of so many neighbors this summer have stretched our resources to the limit!

It will take support from every caring friend to stock the pantry shelves, so we can continue to provide lifesaving, life-changing meals to those among us who are hungry and in great need.

Will you make a gift now to help stock the pantry shelves?



Summer heat drove huge numbers of desperate families and individuals to seek help and hope from DRMM! Food and cool shelter were a great comfort to people in our community who are struggling with joblessness, homelessness, or the pain of addiction. And hundreds of at-risk boys and girls participated in our vital youth programs and summer camp.

All of us at DRMM are grateful to our many caring friends and donors who gave generously to ensure lifesaving resources and life-changing programs were available to everyone who came through the Mission doors this summer!

“I had the best time at camp! It was a great time! I’ve been coming since I was 10 years old and loved the counselors so much that now I am one! I love learning about the kids and getting to know them better.”  —Shauna

“I had an emergency and needed a place to live. Now, I know I’m going in the right direction. I’m humbled and have a lot to be thankful for.”  —Jerry*

“I love everything about camp. Especially the time with God. We pray and sing. They encourage us to try new things and I learned a lot about being safe in the water from the lifeguards.”  —Molly

More than 600 boys and girls were able to stay Safe Over Summer at DRMM’s summer camp, a safe place to have fun and make friends while learning about God. Thank you, donors!

Soaring temperatures can be deadly for senior citizens and the homeless, but your compassion made a huge difference in a great many lives!

 Thank you for partnering with DRMM to provide shelter, meals, and a helping hand to your neighbors in need!


*Name changed



The flooded basement in LaPortia’s home was growing worse by the day, taking a dangerous toll on her entire family—but especially for her child who struggles with chronic asthma.

Finally, she swallowed her fear and decided she had no choice but to take her children and leave their home. But where could they go? The landlord, who wouldn’t make repairs to the flooded basement, also refused to return the security deposit needed to secure a new home!

Family members tried to help them, but money was tight and there was not enough room in any of their homes. Then LaPortia’s grandmother welcomed the family, but before the children were even settled in, shots were fired at the house from a passing car!

Desperate to keep her children safe, LaPortia turned to DRMM and for the first time in a long time, she felt hope.

“I never thought I’d be living in a shelter, but staying here for a short time will help so much,” LaPortia says. “And my kids love being here because there are other children. They’ve made friends and can just be kids together.”

With her children safe and happy, LaPortia is able to focus on next steps for her and her family. She was amazed to learn that DRMM offers more than food and shelter. Thanks to support from caring friends and donors, she’s also receiving life-changing resources that include day care, job and educational counseling, and more.

LaPortia is grateful to God for delivering her family to DRMM, and for supporters like you who give so generously. “Thank you for your help, we really need it,” she says. “Thank you for being the type of person who opens your heart and gives to help others in need. I’m grateful that you’re helping me and my family, and also that you’re helping so many others who are in an even worse situation than me.”

Please make a gift now to help reach other families who are in need. Especially now with a new school year about to begin! You can help at-risk children stay safe, nourished, and have the confidence to succeed in school!



Be part of DRMM’s Adopt a Family program and you’ll help ensure that every child in your community has the chance to open a gift at Christmas!

Your support will provide important items like toys, warm clothes, books, and more. And through our Christmas Store, loving parents can personally select a few of these items off the shelf so their little ones will have a gift to open in celebration of Christmas!

So many parents are struggling just to pay rent and put food on the table, so that means that buying presents is simply an out-of-reach luxury. But when you choose to adopt a family in need, you’ll put hope and joy in the hearts of a desperate mom and dad, and their little ones.

Sign up before September 30 to make this a very special Christmas for families who are struggling to make ends meet!