Emergency Shelter
Shelter Residents stay overnight and are provided meals and the opportunity to shower and receive new clothing items. Shelter Counselors do an assessment with each resident, encourage and help residents apply for services and take steps to help them meet long term needs, and assure that clients receive emergency medical or counseling needs.
Campus: Detroit Rescue Mission • Number: 100* Target Population: Men, many of whom are struggling with chronic homelessness. addiction, debt, and difficulty finding employment.
Campus: Genesis House II and III • Number: 84* Target Population: Women and men with children, families. Those in this program often are working on substance abuse aftercare issues, addressing legal issues, and attend school and training programs to give them a future.
Campus: Pathways- Port Huron Number: 20* Target Population: Single women and women with children. Those in this program often are working on addressing their immediate homeless crisis, substance abuse aftercare issues, and mental health coordination.
Campus: The Oasis • Number: 40* Target Population: Men, many of whom experience chronic homelessness and/or addictions.
*The numbers above represent the funded bed capacity. On many nights, the actual number staying in our shelter programs doubles.

Recovery Housing
DRMM currently provides two types of Recovery Housing.
- For those in need of supportive services to address substance abuse and its overall impact on their lives, DRMM residents have the opportunity to be housed as they work towards stability — including education, training and gaining employment. Additional available services may include case management, mental health, and substance abuse aftercare. Follow-up is provided for up to six months after they leave to help them successfully overcome all obstacles to independence and stability.
- For those who have tested positive for COVID-19, we are currently providing a safe and secure place to recuperate before moving to our Emergency Shelter or another program.
Campus: Genesis House II/III- Number 16 Target Population: Single Women and women with children working on substance abuse aftercare.
Campus: The Oasis – Number: 50 Target population: Single Men and Women working on substance abuse aftercare. (Coming Soon)

Permanent Housing
Permanent Housing Residents must have a disability that prevents the resident from independently living in community housing. These may include chronic, debilitating health issues, mental illnesses, severe substance addictions, or developmental delays. They may remain in the program as long as they like.
Campus: DeVos Ministry Center
Number: 106
Target Population: Men
Campus: 211 Glendale Highland Park
Number: 60
Target Population: Veterans (Male and Female)
DRMM has housing prioritized for Veterans at our 211 Glendale location in Highland Park. The new apartments include kitchenettes, upgraded fixtures and renovated common areas that will meet the needs of veterans to serve as permanent, sustainable housing. Renovations were supported through donations from our partners the Community Solutions, Rocket Community Fund and The Home Depot Foundation.
See the flyer for more details and contact Nellie Kendrick-Jenkins at 313-993-4700 x3931 or nkendrick@drmm.org for more information.

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