Michigan Prisoner Reentry Services


Homeless returning prisoners can receive housing from DRMM until they locate suitable long-term housing. Case management support is provided through shelter counseling staff.

Program: Housing • Number: 47
Target Population: Men & women returning to the community from prison.

Spiritual Mentoring

Returning prisoners who want to be linked to mentors at local churches are matched to a mentor or mentor team from a local congregation. Mentors, encourage, meet with, engage their mentee in community and church events and pray with them. For Churches interested in Mentoring: contact (313) 993-4700, Church Relations or email info@drmm.org

Program: Spiritual Mentoring • Number: 60
Target Population: Men & women returning to the community from prison

Case Management

DRMM staff visit jails and prisons prior to prisoners’ discharge to offer services that will enable them to successfully transition back to the community. Transition plans, developed by prison staff, are reviewed and implemented by the prisoner and DRMM staff.

Program: Outreach and Case Management • Number: 180
Target Population: Men & women returning to the community from prison.

Transitional Jobs

Clients are placed with area employers and small businesses and are paid during their work experience time. Employers are selected who agree to hire a certain number of trainees following the training period.

Program: Transitional Jobs Program • Number: 38
Target Population: Men & women returning to the community from prison