
Dear Family and Friends,

As we gather to honor the women who have so profoundly shaped our lives on this Mother’s Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the incredible strength, dedication, and unconditional love that defines motherhood.

The journey of a mother is one of deep sacrifice, steadfast devotion, and a love that knows no bounds. Our mothers are our greatest protectors, our fiercest advocates, and our first teachers. They are the ones who cradle us through the night, guide us through life’s trials, and love us even when we falter.

However, as we rightfully celebrate the joy and beauty of motherhood, let us not forget the mothers who are facing immense struggles each day. Mothers who, through no fault of their own, have become victims of life’s harsh circumstances. Whether it be domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health issues, job loss, or the heart-wrenching loss of a loved one, these mothers carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Let’s not forget the widows, the grandmothers, the women who have endured the unimaginable pain of losing a child. These women, too, deserve our recognition, our compassion, and our unwavering support.

Today, we stand together as a community, committed to uplifting these mothers, to bringing a smile back to their faces, and reminding them of the strength and resilience they possess. They deserve the best, they deserve a chance to rebuild, and they deserve to be celebrated.

At Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries, we are humbled to serve over 2200 individuals daily, two thirds of whom are women and children. We are here to listen, to understand, and to give unconditionally, without judgment or expectation.

This Mother’s Day let’s all come together to honor every mother, from every walk of life. Let’s show them the same selfless love and support they have shown us. Let’s give them the recognition they so richly deserve and let’s work tirelessly to ensure that all mothers, no matter their circumstances, can experience the joy of this special day.

Remember, it’s in our hands to make a difference. As we celebrate, let’s also extend our hands in service, ensuring every mother’s heart is filled with hope and every face graced with a smile.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible women out there. Your strength, your courage, and your love inspire us every day.

With love and respect,

Chad Audi

Dr. Chad Audi has been the president and CEO of America’s largest rescue mission, the Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries, since 2004. An expert in finance and leadership, he is credited with bringing all-round growth and expansion to the 114-year-old organization that gives much needed hope and help to the homeless, jobless, drug-addicted and afflicted of southeast Michigan. For more information, please visit or call 313-993-4700.

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