

“I’ve had guys call me on Saturday night, 12 o’clock at night, literally crying because they need somebody to talk to,” says Vince King.

After serving 21 years of a life sentence in prison, Vince’s remaining sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama in 2016. Since then, he’s been using the skills and experiences of the life-transforming program he created while incarcerated to help ex-convicts in his hometown of Detroit. Today, Vince is a mentor and the Program Director of the “Getting It Right” program at Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries.

He told us, “Re-entry is something that I was doing on the inside for years, even before I got out. So, when the Mission had this opportunity for the mentoring program… it was kind of a no-brainer.”

“Getting It Right” helps men and women overcome the challenges of re-entry after serving their sentences. Vince knows firsthand what it’s like to make mistakes and take the wrong path. This led him to a drug distribution and firearm conviction. That’s why he’s well-equipped to help those facing similar obstacles.

Describing the Mission’s program, Vince says, “We have an in-reach meeting two weeks before they get out, and I talk to them about our available services. When they get out, I match them with a mentor, and we provide case management and connections to lots and lots of resources.”

From late night phone calls from a disheartened mentee to legal paperwork that helped one of our men obtain a social security ID, mentors are there to help Detroit’s men and women as they face uncertainty. “What we literally try to do is help a person create a second chance at life,” says Vince. It’s just one of the many ways your donations help provide resources and support that give our struggling neighbors a chance at a better life. Thank you for caring!

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Read more inspirational stories from the Summer 2023 Newsletter.

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