
As we step into the dawn of a new year, we are moved to express a depth of gratitude that words alone cannot adequately convey. Your unwavering commitment to Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries throughout 2023 has not just touched lives—it has transformed them.

In the past year, your unparalleled generosity, boundless kindness, and profound compassion have served as the driving force behind our mission. Because of you, we were able to provide critical services to over 2,200 individuals daily, ensuring that they found a glimmer of hope even in the darkest of hours. We served over 4,500 daily meals, not just nourishing bodies, but also nurturing spirits.

Your support has been the beacon of light guiding countless souls away from the abyss of homelessness and the throes of addiction, towards a path of renewal and redemption. Your contributions have ignited the flames of hope, reigniting the fires of determination in those who had lost their way.

Together, we have granted over 1,300 inner-city children the priceless gift of a summer camp experience—an opportunity for growth, adventure, and self-discovery. You’ve shown them a world beyond their circumstances, a world filled with possibilities.

Through our Adopt a Family program, you joined hands with us to bring joy and warmth to 2,500 families, touching the hearts of more than 8,000 children. Your gifts made their holiday season brighter, and your generosity warmed their homes.

But your support extends even further. You’ve provided not just a means to get by, but a means to thrive. Your kindness has given at least three families the precious gift of mobility—ensuring parents can work and be present with their children, forging bonds that are truly irreplaceable.

Whether through your financial contributions, your invaluable time spent with us, your fervent prayers, or the positive words you’ve shared about our mission, you’ve fueled our journey every step of the way. Each act of kindness has been a testament to the power of humanity, and we cherish your unwavering dedication.

We acknowledge that there may have been moments when we fell short of fulfilling every request, but rest assured, we will continue to strive with unwavering determination to provide what we can.

Finally, we extend forgiveness to anyone who may have expressed doubt or negativity towards our mission. We understand that misconceptions can sometimes arise, and we hope that through our continued actions, we can illuminate the truth behind our endeavors.

As we embark on this new year, let us carry forward the indomitable spirit of generosity, love, and unity that you have so brilliantly exemplified. With your enduring support, we stand poised to achieve even greater heights in 2024, forging a future that shines brighter for all.

Thank you, not just from the depths of our hearts, but from the depths of the transformed lives you have touched. Together, we are an unstoppable force for change.

With profound gratitude and the highest hopes for the new year,

Chad Audi President and CEO Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries

DRMM is a 114-year-old organization that gives much needed hope and help to the homeless, jobless, drug-addicted and afflicted of southeast Michigan. For more information, please visit https://drmm.org or call 313-993-4700.

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