
It was a bitterly cold and windy day when William came through the Mission doors hoping for a meal . . .

After the meal was over, William waited around and finally found the courage to ask if he could talk with us about something important.

First, he expressed thanks for the good, hot meal he’d received. He said it was the first real meal he’d had in a while!

Then he asked if it was true that DRMM was really able to help people rebuild their broken lives . . . even “lost causes” like him.

You see, William battled addiction for years. Time after time, others told him he was beyond help. Sadly, he’d come to believe they were correct!

That’s when we told William that DRMM has one of the best treatment programs in the nation. If he was committed to making permanent changes in his life, then yes, we would love to help him get the fresh start he longed for.

William had tears in his eyes when he shared that he’d grown up with no father figure. So, when a cousin came home from prison, he became William’s role model and put him on the wrong path in life.

William was trapped by drugs for so long that he’d driven away his family and lost everything that mattered to him. He could hardly bear to hope he could get clean and get a fresh start in life . . .

But he did get a fresh start, and it all started with the gift of a meal from someone like YOU. Today, he’s free from drugs and knows he was never “a lost cause,” never “beyond help,” thanks to the infinite love and mercy of Christ. He knows now that Jesus gave us ALL the chance for new life when He suffered and died on the cross!

That’s why I ask you to make a gift of meals now—as many as you can!

Imagine if every $1.95 meal you provided made a life-changing difference for the 2,200 men and women who will turn to us EVERY DAY this Easter season!

William says, “If I hadn’t come to DRMM, I’d probably be dead. I wish I had come to the Mission a long time ago. Coming here was one of the most positive things that ever happened to me. This place kept me grounded and has really helped me transition back into society. God is guiding me every day . . .”

Friend, Easter is just around the corner. Please share a generous gift now to help other hurting and hungry souls, like William, get a good, hot meal and a fresh start in life.  Your gift of meals will open doors to help, hope, and healing!

Give Now!


Winter on the streets of Detroit can be deadly—just ask Isaac.

Shackled by an addiction he could not overcome, Isaac called our city streets home for six long, painful years.

It was a cold January day when he finally came through the Mission doors. He was freezing, starving, and desperate to change his life.

Over a good hot $1.95 meal, provided by a friend like you, we told Isaac that if he worked hard and trusted God, we could absolutely help him overcome addiction, homelessness, joblessness and the despair that pushed him to the edge.

I thank God for leading Isaac to DRMM before the Polar Vortex moved in and plunged him into the brutal cold that brought our bustling city to a standstill and took the lives of a dozen people across the state.

It’s for people like Isaac—hungry, without a home, without hope at this most dangerous time of year—that I’m asking every caring friend and donor to pull together to make a difference for frightened men, women, and entire families this winter.

You see, when Isaac first walked through the Mission doors, he didn’t dare to hope that he would be welcomed at our table and served like family. And to have a safe, warm place to sleep, to get the help he needed to beat addiction—these were the things he’d prayed for while shivering in abandoned cars and houses!

But thanks to your support and God’s grace, Isaac got the lifesaving, life-changing help he urgently needed. Now he’s getting a second chance in life—a new beginning—and he is so grateful . . .

He says, “I thank God and DRMM. The Mission supported me in so many ways through the treatment program and housing. Without the Mission, I don’t know what I would have done.”

“Until I walked through the doors, I had no idea they had all these services to offer. If they ever close their doors, there’s going to be so many people hurting out there. Especially during winter, when it’s really cold, there will be people in here all day long.”

Bottom line: Isaac got the help he needed because friends like you care and support DRMM with your prayers and gifts.

But with another hard winter bearing down on us, I ask you to partner with us again. Because we anticipate as many as 66,000 hungry and frightened people will turn to us in the next few weeks for food and shelter from our frigid city streets!

Please make a generous gift now to provide hot meals and safe shelter for as many suffering people as you can. Together we can give lifesaving shelter and life-changing care to our neighbors in need during Detroit’s extreme winter!

Give Now!


Thank you for sharing help and hope with your neighbors in need!

So many lives have been saved and changed thanks to your partnership in 2019.* Take a moment now to count the numbers, see the faces, and know that you’re having a HUGE impact in the lives of families and individuals who are hungry, homeless, and hopeless in Detroit.

All of this . . . because of YOU!

Your support saved and changed the lives of men, women, and children—

1,642,500 nutritious meals were served to struggling men, women, and children at several facilities across Detroit.

$1 million worth of grocery items were distributed through our Lighthouse Outreach Center in Macomb County to those struggling to put food on the table.

4,920 nights of emergency shelter were provided, including life-saving outreach to hundreds more during the Polar Vortex.

Over 2,000 children were impacted by the Adopt a Family program, helping families on the brink celebrate the joy of Christmas.

1,100+ men and women successfully completed our substance abuse & detox program, launching a new beginning in life. Did You Know? Our treatment center is recognized as the 13th largest inpatient/outpatient alcohol/substance abuse treatment and rehab center in the U.S. (U.S. News & World Report).

256 people graduated from our life-change program and have rejoined the community with hope for a better future.

Over 600 children and teens had the opportunity to attend summer camp, experiencing God’s love in the great outdoors.

48 people received the life-changing gift of a safe home for their families, and the opportunity to learn to plan and budget responsibly.

Your ongoing prayers and partnership are critical to help families and individuals in your community who are hungry and hurting, battling homelessness, addiction, and despair.

Please make a gift now to ensure everyone who turns to DRMM this winter gets the urgent help they need!



Chip has spent decades honing his craft and takes great pride in the quality of work he provides to his clients. From carpentry, to tile, to plaster and drywall, his expertise has brought him repeat customers and helped him live a life of independence.

But an unfortunate mistake cost him more than he’d ever expect—months behind bars. Once released, he was devastated to find that he’d not only lost time . . . he lost everything . . .

No home. No livelihood. No hope.

Over a good hot meal, we prayed with Chip and offered him safe shelter while he got back on his feet. Incredibly grateful to the caring donors like you who gave him food and a much-needed break, he got right to work rebuilding all he’d lost.

“DRMM is an excellent launch pad, because there are all types of counseling and programs that can help you be successful,” Chip says. “You can see so many people who come in here who want to make changes and be proactive.”

A grateful heart, a life transformed

This Christmas will be a truly joyful one for Chip. He’s working and saving money so he can live independently once again. Chip will never forget the kindness of those who support DRMM through their generous gifts . . . kindness that has helped him during the most difficult time in his life.

But so many other people in our community are hungry, homeless, and urgently need the tools to rebuild their lives. Please make a special Christmas gift now to provide meals, help, and hope to men and women in great need!



*Photo Changed for Privacy


An entrepreneur by nature, Christina had launched multiple small businesses that included creating custom gift baskets and catering. The work was fulfilling and sustained her needs . . . until the terrible day came when she had to run to escape terrible abuse at the hands of her own family.

Just like that, Christina went from an aspiring businesswoman to a woman with no place to call home. Thankfully, your support made it possible for DRMM to offer her safe shelter and the other emergency services she needed.

“If not for DRMM, I’d be on the streets,” Christina says. “I want to be independent and, here, I’ve found stability and the right kind of help. The Mission has resources and a network to help with job readiness and placement.

“I’m so thankful for DRMM and I appreciate all the opportunities they offer to expand and grow. They give guidance and direction to help me get where I want to go. It’s been helpful.”

Thank you for making a gift now to help DRMM reach people with safe shelter, food, and the tools to begin again. Christina will be giving thanks for you this Christmas!



After the devasting loss of one of her children, her unexpected job loss as a caregiver, and the sudden need to take guardianship of her grandson, Marilyn was in urgent need of help—and hope.

“I lost my home and everything in it. My house had gone into foreclosure, but I stayed there until they threw me out. Then I stayed in my vehicle on the side of the house I had once owned,” Marilyn says, blinking back the tears.

But finding safe shelter and rebuilding her life for her grandson was a priority. So Marilyn mustered up the courage to finally walk through the doors at DRMM and ask for help.

She broke down crying from fear and shame, but soon found comfort from our caring staff. They made sure she received a good meal, then they listened and prayed with her as she shared the heartbreaking events that had caused her to be homeless.

“I’m grateful for the Mission because they give my grandson and me food to eat and a place to lay our heads,” Marilyn says. “If it wasn’t for DRMM, I don’t know where we’d be.”

When it came time for her grandson to start school, even more unexpected help came their way—a backpack, school uniform, supplies, and more! “I’m very grateful and thankful. It means a lot to me because I’m not employed right now. I can’t afford to buy anything, so every little bit helps.”

And with Christmas fast approaching, Marilyn is comforted to know that the Mission celebrates the birth of Christ with great joy. And she was thrilled to learn there will even be a gift or two for her grandson, made possible through support from our caring community.

Marilyn is getting the help she needs to heal from her devastating losses and to find work so she and her grandson can live independently once more. She has a message for the Mission’s donors, “DRMM is a great place. The people really care. They treat you with compassion and they’re here to help you.”

This Christmas, Marilyn is thanking God for you. But please make a gift to DRMM now because so many other families and individuals are in need of meals, shelter, and our many life-changing programs that can help people get back on their feet!