
Summer is upon us, bringing thousands of people through the Mission doors each day, including families with little children . . .

That’s because when school is out, many boys and girls lose access to the meals they need and rely on. Their parents, whose budgets are already spread thin, struggle to put food on the table.

Other neighbors in need have lost paychecks and jobs as part of the lingering economic impact of the pandemic.

The need is so great, that the Mission must be prepared to serve nearly 4,000 meals EVERY DAY this summer.

Chandra, a neighbor who turned to us for help, recently shared a heartbreaking story. She was swindled by her landlord and evicted from her home—in the middle of the pandemic!

Thanks to support from friends who support DRMM, we were able to offer her safe shelter, meals, and much more while she rebuilt her life.

She says, “I was homeless during the pandemic. I had nowhere to go, nothing to eat. They fed me here at DRMM. It was only through the grace of God I made it through.”

For the sake of neighbors like Chandra—including hungry children and their frightened parents, seniors, veterans, and others—please make a gift right now to provide meals, help, and hope for people in great need now and all summer long.

Thank you for giving generously now to help care for our most vulnerable neighbors, making them stay Safe Over Summer!


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