
“It felt good to be safe! People cared about me.” — Dee

Dee’s life fell apart quickly and unexpectedly.

Life was good for many years. The 60-year-old had a great childhood, worked hard all her life, and went to church. She even found the love of her life at church.

“He was a gospel singer with a beautiful voice,” she says about the love of her life. Dee remembers that it didn’t take long to fall in love. They had a great life together! Then came the day when he was diagnosed with cancer.

She stayed by his side through it all, and even though it was a painful death, he never lost his faith in Jesus. “He kept Jesus in his heart,” Dee says. “Jesus is walking with him and I know he is at peace now.”

While Dee says she misses him every day, she tried to continue on with her life. She found a place to live in a basement apartment in Detroit. But on top of her grief, she was dealt another devastating blow.

“Heavy rains caused flooding and I lost it all,” Dee shared. Everything was ruined. Clothes and shoes. Furniture and blankets. Even treasured family photos — all gone!

Even worse, Dee lost her home. The landlord kicked her out, but did not refund any of her rent. In that one day, Dee became homeless. It all happened so quickly that she was in shock. “I never thought I’d be homeless,” she says. “I didn’t know what to do.”

Thankfully, Dee heard about the Mission and sought help. Because of the generosity of friends like you, she was met with open arms. She was provided sheets, a blanket, pillow, clothes, meals, and a safe place to stay.

“It felt good to be safe! People cared about me,” she shares. “I have no idea what I would have done without them. Now, the Mission is helping me find another place of my own.”

Thank you for caring about struggling people like Dee. When tragedy leaves someone with nothing, your compassion gives them hope.

Read more inspirational stories from the Fall 2022 Newsletter.

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