
It sounds callous, but every day dozens of teenage girls are kicked out of their parents’ homes because they are pregnant. Suddenly these young girls not only must confront the medical concerns associated with bringing a new life into the world, but they also must find shelter, food and overall care — alone.

This is a situation we witness often at the Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (DRMM). Our Genesis House I program welcomes homeless pregnant and parenting teens who have been abandoned or escaped unstable home environments. Many girls have lost their self-esteem when they seek out DRMM. They’re frightened and emotional. Some arrive with just the clothes on their backs. They don’t know how they’re going to finish school, find a job and provide for their babies.

We provide the teens with transitional housing, life skill classes, parenting courses, day care, counseling, food, clothing, job search assistance and much more. The girls attend school and are shown how to become productive and independent members of society. Most leave our 24-month program and move into their own homes or enroll in college. We give them guidance and supervision. We give them help and hope for the future. You can witness for yourself some of their compelling stories at http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1296698/teen_moms_find_hope/.

Most importantly, DRMM demonstrates the love of God to the teenage mothers and their babies. When they feel that things are hopeless and there’s nowhere to turn, they need to know how much they are loved and that they are God’s children. It doesn’t matter what type of situation they find themselves in, they all deserve another chance to get on the right path in life.

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