

When Curtis Borders was released on parole in 1984, he was a long way from the man he would become. After failing a drug test, with nowhere else to turn, he arrived at the steps of Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries.

“I had used drugs for over 20 years. I was sick and tired of that lifestyle, but I really didn’t know how to change,” he says.

After a year at our Mission, he completed his Bible studies and discovered a new path for his life. He recalls, “I was growing with leaps and bounds. I was seeing something in me that I liked that I never allowed myself to really see when I was an addict.”

Curtis’ time at our Mission sparked a powerful transformation. Today, he’s sober and has served as a pastor for over 20 years. “God and my family are my life. It’s just awesome when you surrender yourself and your will over to a power greater than you,” he says.

At 73 years old, Pastor Curtis continues to pay it forward by working as a chaplain at our Mission. His life is a living testament to the power of renewal and restoration. “I just thank God for the privilege of being a part of Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries because it has really helped me.”

As you celebrate Easter this year, I hope you will keep our residents in your heart and in your prayers. Remember, each person who walks through our doors has amazing potential, just like Pastor Curtis Borders.

“I’m a giver today. Years ago, I was a taker, but I give today,” he says as he describes why he believes it’s so important to keep supporting the men, women, and children who come to our Mission. “There are so many who don’t have what they need. And as a giver, it’s all right to open up your heart. That’s why you give…because you have a heart of compassion.”

This Easter, consider giving someone like Pastor Curtis Borders the gift of renewal and purpose. Every success story starts with a hot meal that only costs $2.37!

Read more inspirational stories from the March 2023 Newsletter.

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