
I have personally seen the impact your gift of meals can have on souls who have been so beaten down by life that they just want to give up and die. Someone like Shawn . . .

After the bottom fell out of his life, Shawn found himself living under a bridge. He was homeless because he couldn’t find a job—and he couldn’t land a job because he was homeless. Hunger was his only companion.

He might have died there, but God had a plan for Shawn and directed his steps to DRMM. “I had nowhere else to go, and I didn’t want to go back under the bridge again,” Shawn says, remembering just how lost and without hope he felt that day.

We gave Shawn the first real meal he’d had in a long time—a good, hot meal that was a gift from a friend like you.

That meal opened the door for a new beginning for Shawn. He desperately needed everything we offer here . . . food, shelter, spiritual guidance, and the tools to begin again—including job training, educational assistance, counseling, and more.

He did the hard work, and now, Shawn is completely transformed. . . and it all started with a $1.95 meal like the ones I hope you will provide for other lost and broken souls this Thanksgiving.

But there are so many people who are in urgent need! In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, DRMM will serve more than 6,500 meals each day—that’s over 60% more than normal!

For a neighbor who is experiencing real hunger for the first time in his or her life, a meal from a friend like you is a gift of hope! So please give generously now to provide as many meals as you can this Thanksgiving season.

Every $1.95 you give now will provide a delicious meal, with all the trimmings, for someone who is hungry for help, hope, and a new beginning in life.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and partnership that are an essential source of hope for so many people in our community who are in great need this Thanksgiving season!


Provide Thanksgiving Meals

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