
“I’ve been a drug addict for almost 40 years. I started at the age of nine and could never stop,” Beth* shares.

“Last March, on my birthday, something happened to me. My birthday cake was on the table and there were drugs too. Suddenly I got this overwhelming sense of urgency. I told myself to leave. Pack a bag and get out of here.”

Out on the streets, though, Beth soon realized that she had nowhere to go, and that it was going to take more than determination to overcome her addictions.

A kind bus driver agreed to give Beth a ride to Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (DRMM), where a hot meal was waiting for her. And it was exactly what she needed.

Thanks to the support of friends like you, Beth ate a good meal and had a safe place to lay her head. And soon she found the courage she needed to fight back against the grip of drugs.

“If it wasn’t for DRMM, I would be beat up again or dead . . . I’ve been safe and happy here,” she says.

Having completed our rehabilitation program, Beth now enjoys a life of real independence. The long-term and after-care support services DRMM offers keep her from falling prey to drugs again and help her to rebuild her life. And it all begins with a simple meal!

DRMM’s vital lifesaving programs are only possible because of the generosity of our donors. Thank you for making a life-changing difference for Beth and so many others!

*Name and photo changed to protect privacy

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