
On wet and bitter cold days like this one, I am especially thankful for friends like you who care about their struggling neighbors.

Why? Because you are truly saving lives.

Let me tell you about Jim* . . . He was soaked and shivering when he came through the Mission doors.

Over a hot meal, Jim told us he’d been laid off and couldn’t find another job—like so many others in our city since the COVID-19 crisis began.

Next, he lost his apartment and was homeless in the dead of winter. I’m so thankful God led him to us!

“It was cold. There was snow on the ground,” Jim said, remembering that terrible day when he thought he might actually freeze to death in an alley or under a bridge.

“It was a relief when I walked through the door and felt the heat . . . and when I ate my first meal here—because I didn’t have any food or money.

“I’m thankful because without the Mission, I would be sleeping outside.”

Once he was safely off our frozen streets, Jim got the help he needed to get back on his feet. Our staff assists with job placement and education services for people seeking work—and for those battling substance abuse, we have a treatment program to break those chains of addiction.

This is how lives like Jim’s are saved and changed, and it’s why your help today is so important.

During the freezing days of January, we anticipate as many as 2,200 hungry and frightened people turning to us for food and shelter.

Every $28 you give now will provide a day of life-saving care. So, please make a generous gift now to give hot meals and safe shelter for as many suffering people as you can . . . it could mean the difference between life and death.



*Name changed for privacy

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