Bruce never dreamed Thanksgiving would find him hungry, homeless, and without hope.


Bruce had served proudly and honorably as a United States Marine. He’d had his own business and had never asked for help . . .

Certainly not for basics like food, clothing, and shelter!

But that was before a slowdown in business and a serious heart condition left him with nothing. Still, he was shocked to find himself shivering outside the Mission doors, hoping and praying for a meal, safe shelter, and a winter coat.

Bruce is one reason I ask you to stand with Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (DRMM) now to make sure no one is hungry and alone on Thanksgiving.

Between now and Thanksgiving, we will fill more than 4,500 plates EACH DAY for hungry and hurting people.

So please provide as many of those $1.95 meals as you possibly can!

You see, every meal you provide is a gift of hope and could be the game-changer for someone who just needs encouragement and the tools to overcome homelessness, joblessness, and addiction.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with family and loved ones, warm fellowship, and a delicious meal . . . and made even more special knowing that your support is making a lifesaving, life-changing difference in so many lives!

Thank you for making a gift of meals now to help people who are hungry and hurting this Thanksgiving season.




Getting more done with less money sounds like an oxymoron. Doesn’t it?

With US inflation rate put at 2.9 percent as at June 2018, things like office supplies, groceries and gas are costing more. Building maintenance costs are going up as well – just as insurance premiums and utilities. And none of these items is dispensable.

So, financial management skills have to avail in a big way, and when coupled with unmitigated love for people, it all seems like an art.

For a large human services organization like Detroit Rescue Mission whose mission has been to help individuals and families turn their lives around, higher costs may bite hard but they pale in comparison to the dangers of allowing people remain in their homelessness, substance abuse, hunger and hurt.

Imagine, for instance, veterans who risked their lives in the service of our nation but are now struggling with difficult challenges in our community. Isn’t it a huge embarrassment that they are homeless, hungry or embroiled with substance abuse? Don’t they deserve better?

That’s why we have always maintained an open door policy to veterans and others like teen moms and returning citizens who need our array of services.

Anyone who walks through our doors is taken care of, even if we don’t receive government funding for it. To us, coming to the right place is coming to the right solutions.

Assuming the weather is 90 degrees (or minus 10 degrees in winter) and a young woman comes to our female shelter in Detroit with her four children seeking help, should we refuse her admission and service?

You and I know it would be inhumane to let her and her children go back to the streets, without much-needed shelter and food. It doesn’t matter if the cost of food has gone up. Life is worth more than food prices. And those children need all the help they can get from us, with your help.

That said, we do all that is necessary to reduce our costs in such a way that would enable us serve more people in need.

We believe strongly in efficiency and effectiveness for greater results.

In fact, last year, despite receiving less money from most government funding sources, we served more people.

  • 20% annual increase in number of returning citizens served (a total of 465 men and women) with reentry housing, mentoring and employment assistance;
  • 54% annual increase in number of people (a total of 215 homeless men, women and children) who benefited from our permanent housing program;
  • 5% annual increase in the number of people (a total of 3,147 men, women and children) served in our emergency shelters;
  • 47% increase in the number of people (a total of 664 men and women) that received licensed and accredited residential substance abuse treatment services;
  • 200 % increase in the number of people (a total of 6,507 low income and disabled households) that received emergency food assistance at our Lighthouse Food Bank in Roseville, Macomb County; and
  • 12% increase in the number of children (a total of 2,023) that received Christmas gifts at our Christmas party;

The list goes on and on.

And we did all these – including serving 1.5 million meals, giving out 520,000 pounds of food to community residents, and distributing 850,000 pieces of clothing to more than 43,000 people  –  with the kind help of our faithful donors and volunteers who increase by the day. For instance, our volunteers increased by 13.5% to 12,150 last year.

Our prayer therefore is that the donors and volunteers will support us even more as we go through the “dry” summer months (dry because people are traveling, spending more time with family and friends, and perhaps thinking less of financially supporting services to the homeless, hungry and hurting).

As late civil rights icon, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., rightly opined, “The time is always right to do what is right.

Experience has shown that every season has its own share of people in dire need. Many are as homeless, hungry and hurting in summer as they are in winter. Just visit one of our service delivery sites in metro Detroit and see.

On their behalf, we sincerely thank you.


The loss of two sons sent Walter into a downward spiral. Taking his own life seemed like the only option until he found lifesaving help and life-changing hope at Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (DRMM).

Walter stood in the doorway of DRMM, knowing he desperately needed help, but not knowing how he could possibly begin again.

He’d lost everything. He had no home, no job. No hope.

It wasn’t drugs, alcohol, or a medical crisis that had wiped him out. It was a broken heart after the death of two sons.

Blind with grief and filled with a deep emotional hurt, Walter’s life had lost all direction and purpose. That’s when a caring friend brought him to DRMM. She knew that only the love and mercy of Christ could heal Walter’s deep wounds, and that our caring staff would help restore his faith and rebuild his shattered life.

Thanks to the support of generous friends, DRMM was immediately able to help

We offered Walter a good meal, emergency shelter, and—most important—the chance to talk and pray about his devastating loss.

It took some time before Walter could believe that God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3) and to trust “that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28). But time and faith have worked much healing in Walter’s heart, filling him with the courage to begin again.

“When I first came here, I was a mess. After losing two sons, I was mad at the world,” Walter says. “I still think about my sons every day, but I don’t get as angry as I used to. DRMM has really helped me out.”

Walter is grateful to the many donors who have helped him through his darkest time in life with the kindness of food and safe shelter. He is thankful, too, for our incredible staff and the tools that are helping him with a second chance in life. And he’s in awe of the healing that he sees all around him as men and women get the urgent help they need to battle joblessness, homelessness, and addiction.

“I’m very grateful,” Walter says. “I love these people for all the help they gave me.”

Thank you for sharing your blessings with people like Walter! Your gifts provide emergency food and shelter, plus the tools that can help those who are broken to rebuild their lives.

Help more people like Walter today!

410 nights of emergency shelter are provided each month.



Their rickety home was falling down around them, leaning dangerously to one side. Still, it was a home. With little ones to feed and care for, no money for deposits on a rental, and no hope of securing a mortgage, the Terrell family was just thankful they weren’t living on the street.

Marcus and DeShayla Terrell were shocked by the call they received from their pastor. He said Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (DRMM) wanted to give them a house!

The Terrells desperately needed a home that wasn’t crumbling around them, but Marcus had just been laid off from his job. Even as they said yes to the offer of a house, they wondered if it was too good to be true. It was not . . .

The Terrell’s were not on their own

They took classes from DRMM to learn how to take care of the house, from maintenance to taxes to budgeting for monthly bills and other expenses. Once their classes are complete and two years of successful tenancy have passed, the deed to the home will be signed over to them.

DRMM first launched the program in 2011 to provide homes to hard-working families on the brink of homelessness. “These are families who can’t qualify for a home loan, but urgently need a safe place to raise their children. We’re taking rundown homes and renovating them to give families—and neighborhoods—a fresh start in life,” says DRMM’s President, Chad Audi.

“As children, we wondered where our next meal was coming from, if the lights were going to get cut off, if we were going to be evicted, or if the rent got paid,” Marcus says. “I had a mother who was addicted to drugs and I moved constantly from city to city, state to state, school to school, and never had a stable environment. I want to make sure that my kids never experience that or having to use candles for a couple of weeks because mom and dad can’t afford to pay the bills.”

“Around the time we were gifted the home, I had been laid off from my job after nearly five years. It was a tough time. I was very afraid for how to make ends meet and provide for my family,” Marcus says. “But the Lord has blessed me to be able to provide for them and I can’t thank Him enough,” Marcus says.

Facing each day full of thankfulness

Not a day goes by that the Terrell family doesn’t give thanks to God for their many blessings, including generous support from DRMM’s caring friends who have given them the opportunity to live in a safe home—and ultimately to own it!

“You may not realize what a blessing you are, but you’re really changing lives,” DeShayla says. “You’ve changed everything for us. Thank you for giving our children a home, a stable place to grow up.”

Help more families like the Terrell’s today!

47 homes have been provided to struggling families since 2011.



For parents who are having trouble keeping a roof over their heads, gifts for their children to open in celebration of Christmas are an out-of-reach luxury. That’s why caring friends like you are encouraged to adopt a family in need now to make this a Christmas filled with Christ’s love and mercy—one they will always remember.

Adopting a family means that you’ll provide gifts through DRMM’s Christmas program; important items like toys, warm clothes, books, and more. Imagine the joy a loving parent will have when able to personally select a few items and ensure their little ones will have a gift to open!

Sign up using the form below by September 30 to adopt a family in need this Christmas!



Unemployment and underemployment have pushed many families and individuals in our community to the brink of homelessness—or beyond. Hunger continues to be a very real problem, driving men, women, and their children to seek meals and help from DRMM’s food bank. This is why we must do everything possible to ensure lifesaving and life-changing resources are available this fall.

Thank you for your gift to help families and individuals in your community who are hungry and hover on the brink of homelessness—or beyond. In the days leading up to Thanksgiving more men, women, and their children will seek meals and other help. We are truly thankful for your prayers and partnership to ensure lifesaving and life-changing resources are available to everyone in need this fall!

In the next 90 days, we will serve more than 405,000 meals! We ask for your prayers and support to meet the urgent needs of our struggling neighbors:

Partner with us now to turn hunger into hope for people in need this fall!