

For 14 years, Gary had been clean from his addiction to alcohol and cocaine. Then, while celebrating at his wife’s cancer-free party, he had one drink which started a domino effect. About a year after, he had fully relapsed.

As things got progressively worse, his wife told him he had to leave. By this point, his whole family had distanced themselves from him. For eight months he was without a home, staying on couches and in guest rooms of friends. He finally began to rebuild his foundation when he entered the G.A.T.H.E.R House.

“The G.A.T.H.E.R House really made me think about where I was in my life at that time. It helped me build my structure back up,” he says.

With the help of our program and God’s grace, Gary was able to reconnect with his wife, three kids, and grandchild. That Christmas, they reunited to celebrate together as a family. Gary says this was when he “started feeling good about myself again.”

Your unconditional support shows guests like Gary that there are people who believe in them. With your help, our G.A.T.H.E.R House and other programs have helped changed lives and restored the faith of those who are hurting.

Today, Gary has found a home for his family, and works as an administrator at a children’s hospital. He sticks to his routine every morning that he found at the Mission, reading his Bible and praying. “The first time I was just clean those 14 years… This time I’m recovered. It’s a big difference,” he reflects.

Gary is on a new chapter with restored faith and strength. Please, take a moment this holiday season and consider giving someone like Gary the gift of a new beginning. Every new foundation starts with a hot meal and care.

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