
Thank you for your prayers and partnership in giving hope to people who are struggling with hunger, homelessness, and hopelessness—many for the first time in their lives. In the past 12 months, your impact was huge:

1.6 million meals were provided for hungry neighbors

51,000 bags of groceries/food boxes were distributed to hungry families, individuals, and sheltered-in-place seniors

33,379 homeless and hurting men, women and children received needed wrap-around services*

560 children and youth received mentoring and spiritual support through virtual outreach

Hunger, homelessness, and unemployment continue to challenge many families and individuals across Detroit. Thank you for making a gift now to reach people in need with meals, help, and hope for a better tomorrow!


‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these

brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

—Matthew 25:40 NIV


*To ensure confidentiality and best protect our guests, this number may reflect clients utilizing multiple services.


When the pandemic swept through Detroit last year, it impacted the lives of so many . . . but it brought Aaron* to his knees.

He was already facing homelessness, which is scary enough as it is. But to be homeless during a global health crisis can be deadly.

DRMM’s doors are always open for those in Aaron’s situation because, with the help of friends like you, the Mission continues our outreach to Detroit’s hungry and homeless—one of the most vulnerable populations to the virus.

“COVID was bad. With the shutdown of the city, I became homeless so quickly,” Aaron says, shaking his head at the memory.

Because you support DRMM, Aaron and thousands of other men, women, and children found safe shelter, hot meals, and life-saving care during those frightening days and nights.

With all my heart, I wish I could say the crisis is over. But, far too many people in our community are facing unemployment, homelessness, hunger, and hopelessness . . .

“What was good was the way DRMM opened up for a lot of people who fell on hardship. It was bad out there,” Aaron says of the plight of the homeless.

“Nowhere to go. Fighting for survival. Hungry. No clothes.”

Aaron is grateful for the meals and emergency care he has received, and he’s encouraged knowing that others in the community are getting the help they urgently need, too—all because caring friends like you choose to support DRMM.

“I’d like to say ‘thank you’ to the donors. May God bless them,” he says. “This is a God community, so I’m living every day thankful to God.”

Please share a gift today to help more neighbors like Aaron because every day in April, we will provide nearly 5,000 meals to neighbors who turn to DRMM for food, shelter, and hope for a new life. Thank you for standing with us to meet critical needs throughout our community as we share the mercy and love of Christ with every soul He sends our way!

Give Meals and Hope Now!


*Name changed for privacy


Daniel* was struggling, but he just needed a few things to fall into place so he could get back on his feet. He was thrilled when a friend said he could stay at his place. That was one less expense to worry about!

But then came the fire that burned the friend’s house to the ground and took with it almost everything Daniel owned.

Suddenly homeless and with nowhere else to turn, Daniel turned to DRMM hoping to find shelter, a meal, and some warm clothes. “It was getting cold, and I didn’t want to be outside,” he says.

He was relieved when our staff welcomed him and assured him that he didn’t have to sleep on our city streets another day. His relief soon turned to amazement at the kindness he received from everyone he encountered.

“I’m very grateful for what DRMM is doing for me,” Daniel says. “There’s so many good resources, lots of opportunities, and people take time to help. The staff is excellent, and they feed us well. They’ll help you with anything you need.”

Daniel is grateful for DRMM, but he’s still counting the days until he can work and live independently. “I’m waiting on a job. Hopefully, they’ll call me soon so I can take the next steps in my journey.

“To those who support this place, I thank you because DRMM helps a lot of individuals. This is a Christian organization, and they feed thousands of people every day. I’m grateful.”

Please make a gift of meals and hope right now to help families and individuals like Daniel who urgently need food, help, and hope to overcome homelessness and rebuild their lives. Thanks again for providing life-changing meals and HOPE this Easter season!



*Name changed for privacy


Since COVID-19 first stormed into Detroit, shuttering schools and businesses, hunger and homelessness have become all too common for families and individuals like Misty.

“I got behind in my payments and lost my house,” She says. “I was homeless. It’s not a good feeling.

“Being homeless is very scary. I didn’t like being on the street. It’s dangerous out there, especially as a single woman. I encountered some bad situations, but God is good and kept me safe.”

Support from caring friends like you gave Misty safe refuge here at DRMM. Having a warm bed, hot meals, prayer, and fellowship with staff was a huge blessing!

“At first, it was challenging, but people are very nice here,” she says.

Safe from our city streets, Misty got the help she needed to begin rebuilding her life. Job and educational counseling, treatment programs, and other services are always available to help people who are in need because of your generosity.

Misty will soon be living independently, but she will never forget her time at DRMM or the donors who made it possible. “The future looks great. I’ll be getting a place to live soon. God takes good care of me.”

Misty asked me to share her sincere thanks with everyone who supports DRMM: “I’m grateful for you and your support. I want to thank you very much because without you, I wouldn’t have had a place to go.”

Please make a gift now to provide meals, help, and hope with more neighbors in need like Misty this Easter season! Your compassion and generosity will be a great blessing during these difficult days!



“I’m grateful to DRMM’s donors for their support. I want to thank them very much because without them, I wouldn’t have had a place to go.”

—Misty, your thankful neighbor


What is the BEST way to make a life-saving, life-changing difference for someone in urgent need of food, safe shelter, and hope this Easter?

Give the gift of a good, hot $1.95 meal at DRMM. But don’t take my word for it. Ask Ennis . . .

Ennis spent the last few years caring for his 90-year-old father. Desperately sick, especially toward the end, he thought of little else but making his father as comfortable as possible.

Yet, right after his father’s death, the manager of the senior living facility told Ennis he had to leave. Immediately.

Ennis was instantly homeless—during a pandemic lockdown!

“I had to sleep on a park bench downtown,” he says, shaking his head at the awful memory. “The police came and said I had to leave, but I didn’t have anywhere to go. So, they brought me to DRMM.”

Although the policemen encouraged Ennis to go inside and get the food and shelter he urgently needed—all of which is provided through the gifts of caring friends and donors—Ennis hesitated outside the Mission doors. He’d never had to ask for help before.

Finally, he took a deep breath and stepped inside . . .

And that’s when, over a meal provided by a friend like you, we really got to know Ennis.

We listened as he shared about his father’s last days and the horror of homelessness.

We prayed and talked at length about God’s plans for us, in this life and for eternity.

We shared Christ’s promise of new life, which He bought for us on the cross.

And we assured him that God delivered him to DRMM to get the healing, hope, and fresh start he longed for . . .

Ennis says, “I hoped the Mission would take me in, and they did. They gave me food to eat, clothes, and a Bible. I’m thankful.”

I am thankful, too! To God and friends like you who made sure Ennis got the help he needed. But every day, between now and Easter Sunday, the Mission will provide as many as 5,000 meals to people who are hungry, homeless, jobless, and without hope.

So, please make a gift now to provide as many life-changing $1.95 meals as you can to save and change more people like Ennis this Easter. You are a great blessing to our neighbors in need!




Ennis spent the last few years caring for his 90-year-old father. Desperately sick, especially toward the end, he thought of little else but making his father as comfortable as possible.

So, he was completely unprepared for what happened next!

Right after his father’s death, the manager of the senior living facility told Ennis he had to leave. Immediately.

Ennis was instantly homeless—during a pandemic lockdown!

“I had to sleep on a park bench downtown,” he says, shaking his head at the awful memory. “The police came and said I had to leave, but I didn’t have anywhere to go—so they brought me to DRMM.”

The policemen encouraged Ennis to come inside and get the food and shelter he urgently needed—all of which is provided through the gifts of caring friends like you who really care.

Still, Ennis hesitated outside the Mission doors. He’d never had to ask for help before.

Finally, he took a deep breath and stepped inside . . .

Over a good, hot $1.95 meal provided by someone like you, we listened as Ennis shared about his father’s last days and the trauma of homelessness. Then we prayed and talked at length about God’s plans for his life.

And we assured Ennis that God brought him to us to get the healing, hope, and fresh start he longs for . . .

“I hoped the Mission would take me in, and they did,” Ennis says. “They gave me food to eat, fresh clothes, and a Bible. I’m thankful.”

I am thankful, and grateful too, for friends like you who made sure Ennis got the help he needed, but—

Every day between now and Easter Sunday, the Mission will provide as many as 5,000 meals to people who are hungry, homeless, jobless, and without hope.

So, please share a gift right now to provide as many life-changing $1.95 meals as you can to reach suffering neighbors like Ennis. And thank you for partnering with DRMM this Easter. You are a great blessing to our neighbors in need!