
Just a teenager, Ariel was a new mother with no one and no place to turn for help.

When Ariel came through the doors here at Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (DRMM), she had just one thing on her mind—the precious little boy in her arms, Jeremiah.

She desperately wanted to leave behind the bad choices she had made—dropping out of high school, drug use, and running wild in the streets. “My baby deserves better than that,” Ariel says.

Most shelters in Greater Detroit are unable to accept women and children, but thanks to support from caring friends and supporters, DRMM is able to provide emergency and longer term care for women like Ariel. So we welcomed this young mother and gave her a safe, warm home where she could begin to rebuild her broken life and prepare herself to raise her son to be everything God intends for Him.

Ariel’s new home came with lots of rules and regular chores, but our staff explained to her that she needed to learn how to care for a baby, a household, her finances, and more, in order to live successfully on her own.

“I’ve learned a lot,” says Ariel. “They’ve taught me discipline, time management, how to be responsible, and they’ve taught me about parenting. Soon I will graduate from high school and begin to live independently.”

Ariel will be the first to tell you that her time at DRMM has been life-changing and possibly even lifesaving. “I want to thank everyone who donates to the Mission,” she says. “I don’t know where I would be without DRMM.

“The staff are so supportive and there for me when I need them,” Ariel says. “We are like a family here and they make me want to be a better person, to finish school, and to be a better parent.”

This happy ending for Ariel and Jeremiah is exactly the outcome DRMM staff pray for each day, and it is the reason behind the Mission’s commitment to helping women and their children who are homeless and in need. With ongoing support from caring friends and donors, other frightened mothers will receive the help they need to get a new beginning in life. On behalf of Ariel, Jeremiah, and so many others, thank you for your prayers and partnership!

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