
Edward* enjoyed his work with Detroit Public Schools, but when COVID-19 came to Detroit, schools were quickly closed, and Edward lost his job.

He remembers clearly the panic he felt and the questions that raced through his mind, “How am I going to do this? How am I going to pay rent and take care of my daughter?”

He used the last of his savings to set his daughter up in a small home of her own, but it was far too cramped for the two of them. So, he turned to DRMM for help in finding a new job and a safe place to stay until he was back on his feet.

Edward is deeply thankful for the help he’s received. He says, “There’s plenty to eat. I’ve got someplace to sleep. I go to the chapel, and it helps me. And they helped me out with a job.

“If you need help, DRMM goes out of their way to help you.”

He has heartfelt words of thanks to share with everyone who gives to help their neighbors in need. He says, “I want to tell DRMM’s donors . . . thank you very much for supporting me—otherwise, I’d be staying outside.”

Please make a gift now to help people who are struggling with hunger, homelessness, joblessness, and more. Your compassion and generosity will help our neighbors in need get food, safe shelter, and the encouragement they need to begin again.



Between jobs and facing homelessness, Edward found help and hope at DRMM. He is truly thankful for the safe shelter, food, and encouragement he has received—because of you!

*Name changed for privacy


Desperate to make changes, Kevin* turned to DRMM for help overcoming drug addiction and rebuilding his life. Shortly after his arrival, though, the pandemic turned our city, state, nation, and world upside down.

“I’m glad I’m here and not on the streets,” Kevin says. “This is my first time in a shelter, and I’ve learned a lot. They’re teaching me a lot.

“I never thought I’d be in this situation, especially with the virus going on. I never thought I would see this in my lifetime, people wearing masks all the time. They take our temperature, and there’s social distancing. They’re doing that for our health, for our protection.”

Besides safe shelter and wholesome meals, Kevin is grateful to be in an environment where he can rebuild and prepare for a new beginning in life. With drug use behind him, he’s ready to work and to be the best he can be. He says, “One of the staff got me a part-time job; it’s a start. Others are opening doors for me, too.”

Kevin enjoys the spiritual atmosphere at DRMM and wants supporters to know he is praying for them. “I want the donors to know they are blessing a lot of people through their support, and a lot of people need it. There are a lot of guys here who have lost jobs,” he says. “Without your help, a lot of people would be much worse off. I appreciate that you donate, and I appreciate the meals. God will bless you, and I thank you very much.”

Kevin will be giving thanks for you this Christmas, but please make a gift now to help other neighbors who are in need of safe shelter, food, and the tools to begin again.



Kevin is grateful for safe shelter and the resources to get back on his feet. He says, “I will take this experience with me and remember it the rest of my life. I’ll remember DRMM’s dedicated staff and how they’re trying to keep everybody safe.”

*Name changed for privacy


The day Scott* came through the Mission doors, he was hungry and homeless. He had been aimlessly walking our city streets. He stopped in front of the Mission for a long while, agonizing about coming inside . . .

“I knew DRMM existed, but I never thought I would have to utilize it,” Scott says, remembering the pain of his hunger.

His first meal was deeply appreciated. But what came next truly changed Scott’s life . . .

We gave him safe shelter as we helped him beat addiction and find work. Then, we helped him go back to school and learn a trade so he could regain independence.

“DRMM saved me,” Scott says. “They gave me a safe haven, a roof over my head. I started volunteering so I could help others like they helped me.”

This Thanksgiving, Scott will be giving thanks for people like you who support the Mission because he knows you are the reason—

He’s off the streets and no longer hungry.
He’s working and living independently.
He has hope in his heart and can now help others in need.

I am grateful to God—and you—for Scott’s saved and changed life, but more people are turning to the Mission for help at this time than ever before.

This year, DRMM will serve over 225,000 meals for desperate people coming through the Mission doors, hoping for a good, hot meal. Your gift of meals becomes a gift of hope to so many like Scott.

Please make a generous gift now because every $1.95 you give will provide a delicious holiday meal for someone in our community who is facing hunger, homelessness, and joblessness and has nowhere else to turn. Thank you for helping our neighbors in need!



*Name changed for privacy


I have personally seen the impact your gift of meals can have on souls who have been so beaten down by life that they just want to give up and die. Someone like Shawn . . .

After the bottom fell out of his life, Shawn found himself living under a bridge. He was homeless because he couldn’t find a job—and he couldn’t land a job because he was homeless. Hunger was his only companion.

He might have died there, but God had a plan for Shawn and directed his steps to DRMM. “I had nowhere else to go, and I didn’t want to go back under the bridge again,” Shawn says, remembering just how lost and without hope he felt that day.

We gave Shawn the first real meal he’d had in a long time—a good, hot meal that was a gift from a friend like you.

That meal opened the door for a new beginning for Shawn. He desperately needed everything we offer here . . . food, shelter, spiritual guidance, and the tools to begin again—including job training, educational assistance, counseling, and more.

He did the hard work, and now, Shawn is completely transformed. . . and it all started with a $1.95 meal like the ones I hope you will provide for other lost and broken souls this Thanksgiving.

But there are so many people who are in urgent need! In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, DRMM will serve more than 6,500 meals each day—that’s over 60% more than normal!

For a neighbor who is experiencing real hunger for the first time in his or her life, a meal from a friend like you is a gift of hope! So please give generously now to provide as many meals as you can this Thanksgiving season.

Every $1.95 you give now will provide a delicious meal, with all the trimmings, for someone who is hungry for help, hope, and a new beginning in life.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and partnership that are an essential source of hope for so many people in our community who are in great need this Thanksgiving season!


Provide Thanksgiving Meals


Like many direct service nonprofit chief executives, my work can be very demanding and stressful. It is a hands-on, full-throttle, 24/7 experience, year in, year out. No clocking in, no clocking out. Even when I squeeze out a few days to enjoy vacation with my family, my phone is kept busy by the inextricable demands of my work.

With operations in 5 Michigan counties, and dozens of programs that each day help over 2400 homeless veterans, domestic violence victims, returning citizens, indigent neighbors, at-risk youth and substance use disorder patients, you can imagine how many restless days and sleepless nights I have in a week.

And when I talk with other CEOs across the country and they paint their own experiential pictures of restlessness and sleeplessness, I am reminded that such “heavy weights” come with the territory. It’s not as hurdle-free or rosy as some may think. In fact, being a chief executive implies, to borrow President Harry S. Truman’s often-quoted words, that “the buck stops here” with me. If there’s anyone who should shoulder the most responsibilities in the organization, it’s me. When the going gets really tough for the organization, others may choose to clock out but I must stay plugged in to devise and deploy smart solutions. That often entails leaving the “office” late, and coming home feeling worn out.

Yet, I won’t trade that opportunity and experience for anything else. Helping people in need is my calling and passion – and doing so all these years at nonprofit Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (DRMM), with the immeasurable support of ministry-minded staff members and volunteers, has indeed been a great pleasure and privilege.

The worst hurdle is the one you face alone. Thankfully, I have never been, and will never be alone in the hurdles we face at DRMM. Help is always near.

However, sometimes, I face the unfortunate situation of losing some staff members to the cold hands of death while they are still in active duty, doing their part in ensuring that others – the distressed, discouraged and disengaged – get the hope and help they need and deserve.

A few years ago, in 2016 to be precise, I hosted, at one of our Detroit-situated banquet halls, a well-attended luncheon in honor of the men and women who died while actively serving the metro Detroit community through DRMM. With their family members in attendance, I harped on their indelible contributions, and thanked the family members for encouraging and supporting them in making such contributions.

Without the support of family members – yours and mine – it is very difficult, if not impossible, for us to do what we do to make our community stronger and better. Much kudos to them!

From the start of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, my staff and I have been working nonstop on the frontlines, helping those who have nowhere else to turn to. While people in other areas of service have been able to work from their living rooms and basements, we have continued to work face-to-face at our various locations, of course observing the requisite physical distancing and wearing our PPE. It’s part of our firm commitment to the homeless, hungry and hurting around us.

And each day, as new hurdles emerge and problems pound, the results of our tireless work, and the resolve of our wonderful donors converge to get us going and going strong.

Or how else could we, amid the national economic malaise, have opened new locations and intensified our multi-pronged fight against COVID-19? How else?

The fact remains that donors – big and small – like seeing results and, by God’s grace, we deliver results every day at our various locations.

Many results.

So, I can’t thank my staff, volunteers and donors enough. In different ways, they help me deal with the operational, financial and environmental hurdles we face; they help me overcome the many problems that try to hinder us.

Their strengthening presence. Their helping minds. Their compassionate hands. Their kind words of encouragement. Their fervent prayers. Their checks. Their bequests and estate plan gifts. Their donation of valuable items – from clothes and cars to buildings. All of them have been priceless.

Just when I was wondering how to get the money I needed to open overflow shelters for our homeless clients, Ciena Healthcare president and founder, Mr. Qazi, kindly donated two more buildings to us. And I am talking about two big, newer and thus easier-to-maintain buildings.

Qazi had donated buildings and lots of money to us in the past. Each time, it was done quietly. No press conference. No cameras. The satisfaction of knowing that the poor and needy were being served with dignity was enough for him.

That’s the power of friendship. That’s the splendor of generosity. That’s “beloved community” in manifestation.

You see, I believe the “beloved community” that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr talked about is not esoteric. I see it in the increasing number of Detroit area teens that organize in-person and virtual events to raise funds to support us in serving the homeless. I see it in the immense support we get from Ford Motor Company Fund, Bank of America and other organizations that prioritize their corporate social responsibility. I see it in businesses like Gordon Foods that routinely donate palettes of food to help us feed the hungry.

Hardly does a day roll into the dustbin of history without me having the opportunity to encounter conscientious ambassadors of the “beloved community” in-person, by phone, through email or by reading their heartfelt letters. They give their support because they care for the needy as much as we do, and they trust that we will stretch their dollar to go the distance.

Some are retirees on meager income. Some are young people still charting their path in life. Some are middle-aged people in-between jobs. Some are well-to-do persons who derive joy from putting smiles on the faces of the “least of these’.

They, together with my nearly 300 staff members and 13, 000 volunteers, make it more fascinating and fulfilling to do more to help those who are not as privileged as we are.

They are the real heroes and heroines, and I salute them.


When we first met him, Peter was hungry, homeless, and living on the streets. Addiction robbed him of everything that mattered to him, including precious relationships with his children and grandchildren.

Peter lost all hope.

But because friends like you support DRMM, we were able to make a life-changing difference for Peter! First, we made sure he got a good, nutritious meal—and then, we gave him shelter from the streets.

That’s when he began to hope that he could get clean and stay that way forever . . . that he could rebuild and get a fresh start in life.

“I was sick and tired,” Peter says. “I knew DRMM had a treatment program, and I wanted to get into it. They welcomed me with open arms . . .

“If it weren’t for DRMM, I don’t know where I’d be.”

Today, Peter has overcome addiction, rebuilt his life, reclaimed the love of his family, and now has the culinary skills to get a good job.

Peter’s changed life started with the gift of a $1.95 meal from a friend like you . . .

So please give generously now to provide as many meals as you can to so many others like him who are in great need this Thanksgiving season.

Thank you for standing with us again throughout the holidays—and every day—and for sharing your blessings with people who are hungry, hurting, and facing homelessness in our community.

Please make a gift of meals now to help people who are hungry and hurting this Thanksgiving season!


Provide Thanksgiving Meals