Spotlight on a few of DRMM’s program graduates
With the same grace each of us has been given through Jesus, DRMM is committed to rebuilding the lives of Detroit’s lost and broken men and women.
That’s why we offer programs to individuals who are ready to make permanent changes in their lives—so they can rejoin society as healthy, independent, and productive members. Our programs are intensive and address every facet of the body and soul. Celebrate with us these recent graduates who came to us wanting to rebuild their lives, and worked hard to achieve positive change.
“I want to thank everyone who gives to DRMM. Your gifts to this Mission are well spent, they have a lot of great programs. When I came to DRMM I was having some financial difficulty and I had just gotten out of the hospital. I was driving around with all of my possessions in the trunk of my car and had no place to go. I was at DRMM about a year, and now I have an apartment and am living independently. Christmas at DRMM is great, very festive. A lot of volunteers come and share their talents and resources. In fact, last Christmas at DRMM was the best Christmas I’d had in quite a while.”
“I would like to thank DRMM and all the donors . . . without you I don’t know where I would be. I was so lost. I had a bad drug problem, and the Mission showed me how to deal with it, helped me understand why I started with them, how to get clean—and I’ve been clean almost two years. Today, I am doing great. I’m saving money, taking care of my business, and soon I’m going back to school to get an education.”
“I owe DRMM and all of their staff a debt of gratitude. They helped me in more ways than I can express. I was experiencing a problem with drugs, and they took me in and got me out of a bad atmosphere and helped me get a new outlook. I am currently working and going to school in the evenings. I’m studying social work because I am so impressed by the counseling services I received at DRMM; they were excellent. I want to be a drug counsellor so I can give back to people in the same manner I was helped. I want to thank the people who support DRMM, because what they are doing here to help people is wonderful. If someone wants to change their life and takes advantage of the programs offered here, the sky is the limit. DRMM was a wonderful experience for me.”